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National Stock Number and NAICS Lookup

Tap and Die Set

Common NameTap and Die Set
Rep OfficeHardware
DescriptionSet consists of one plug tap and one round split die in the following nominal sizes: 2mm - 0.45, 2.5mm - 0.45, 3mm - 0.60, 3.5mm - 0.60, 4mm - 0.75, 4.5mm - 0.75, 5mm - 0.90, 6mm - 1.00, 7mm - 1.00, 8mm - 1.25, 9mm - 1.25, 10mm - 1.50, 12mm - 1.75, 14mm -
Price (USD)640.78
Unit Of Issue (UI)SE
Acquisition Advice Code (AAC)H

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